Youth Justice Action Month


Youth Justice Action Month is an annual month-long campaign where advocates come together to organize digital and in-person events and activities to raise awareness and inspire action on behalf of young people impacted by the justice system.

YJAM is powered by the Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ), National Juvenile Justice Network(NJJN) and youth justice advocates like YOU across the country!



#YJAM2023 Theme: "Justice Is____."

Our theme, “Justice Is____.” gives impacted youth, families and allies an opportunity to collectively imagine new possibilities for systems of support, healing and restorative justice. We can only create a true vision of justice, equity, and opportunity when we hear directly from those who are most impacted by the systems we are fighting to change. That means centering directly impacted youth voices in any transformations we advocate for.

This year, we call on anyone who cares about helping youth reach their fullest potential to center the experiences and leadership of youth and families impacted by the legal system.



5 Ways to Participate in Youth Justice Action Month #YJAM2023

  1. Use our #YJAM2023 social media kit to amplify the importance of youth justice advocacy all month long!

  2. Organize a virtual or in-person youth policy roundtable! Use our #YJAM2023 How to Create Youth-Centered Policy Roundtable toolkit to get a step-by-step guide on how to convene conversations and roundtables between youth advocates and state and local policymakers.

  3. Post and Share your #YJAM2023 photos with us- share photos of your work and the ways you are taking action for Youth Justice Action Month - make sure to use the #YJAM2023 hashtags/ tag us to keep us in the loop!

  4. Change your profile picture and/or Twitter + Facebook banner to the #YJAM2023 graphics. (download #YJAM2023 profile pics and banners HERE)

  5. Using the theme #JusticeIs, create your own graphic with what Youth Justice means to you. Use the premade template graphic or create your own! Make sure to tag us and use the #YJAM2023 hashtags so we can amplify!



Special Action Dates
Keep your eye out for our #YJAM Special Action Dates this month:

  1. [Virtual Event] Oct. 3rd - OJJDP YJAM Kickoff Webinar, 1-2 p.m. ET, Learn More

  2. [Virtual Event] Oct. 12th - Justice Is Ours: Youth Justice Movement Across the Country, 2-3:30 p.m. ET, Learn More

  3. [Social Media Day of Action] October 27th - Girls’ Justice Day, hosted by Rights 4 Girls opportunity to collectively imagine new possibilities for systems of support, healing and restorative justice. 



[Virtual] OJJDP YJAM Kickoff Webinar
October 3, 2023
1-2 p.m. ET

Join Administrator Ryan from the U.S. Department of Justice Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention for a kickoff to YJAM with:

  • Tracey Tucker, Executive Director, National Juvenile Justice Network (NJJN)

  • Alani Rouse, NJJN Youth Program Organizer

  • Myla Round, Emerging Leaders Committee Member, CJJ 



[Virtual] Justice Is Ours: Youth Justice Movement Across the Country
October 12, 2023
11 a.m. PT/ 1 p.m. CT/ 2 p.m. ET

Join NJJN and the Coalition for Juvenile Justice for a discussion on the youth justice movement across the country. Hear from advocates on:

  • The history and importance of YJAM

  • The current state of youth justice as a movement across the country

  • Current issues and campaigns

  • The future of the youth justice movement, and

  • Ways allies and everyday people who care about the future of young people can plug into the work



Learn More About Youth Justice:
If you’re an ally who is new to learning about and understanding youth justice, make this a month to learn about key issues related to transforming youth justice. Each week, take on one topic. Here are links to get you started.  

Donate to Youth Justice: Youth justice advocacy needs financial support from individuals who care about the safety, protection and future of all youth. Take action this month by making a donation to a youth justice advocacy organization in your state or a national organization like CJJ or NJJN

Stay Connected: Stay committed to youth justice all year long by joining our email lists for future news and action alerts.